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Fibonacci Arc Tool![]() The Fibonacci Arc tool is used to measure the different retracement levels within a market. Drawing a Fibonacci Arc: 1. Select the Fibonacci Arc tool from the Toolbar. 2. Move the mouse pointer to the point on the chart that you would like to start the stem of the Arc tool, click start. 3. Move the mouse pointer to the ending point for the arc tool and click to place. (While moving to the end point, the arc will extend for you to get an idea of placement on the ticks.) Resizing the Fibonacci Arc: 1. Select the arc by clicking on it. You can tell the arc is selected when boxes appear on the corners of the drawing. 2. Click on one of the boxes to drag the select point and release the mouse button to place. Moving the Fibonacci Arc: 1. Select the arc by clicking on it. 2. Drag to the new location and release the mouse button. Deleting the Fibonacci Arc: 1. Select the arc by clicking on it and press the Del(Delete) key on your keyboard. 2. Or, right-click on the arc and select "Delete" on the menu. ![]() Changing Properties for the Fibonacci Arc: Right-click on the drawing to view the Properties menu. Properties that can be changed are: Foreground - Changes the line color of the arc. Example of a Fibonacci Arc in Track 'n Trade Pro: |