1. % Change: To enter the value for the % Change, highlight the
current numbers and type in your value.
2. Style and Color: The Zigzag Indicator lines can be displayed
as a solid, dashed, or dotted. Click on the drop down menu to specify
the type of line style. To change the line color click on the color box,
next to the line, and select new color from the Color Palette.
3. Retracement Line: Check this box to display the Retracement
4. Retracement Alternate Line(s): Check this box to Display the
Retracement Alternate Lines. The numbers of Alternate lines are in the
edit box to the right. Note: The Retracement Lines need to be displayed
to show these.
5. Display Zig Zag: Check this box to display the Zig Zag
6. Click on “Apply to Active Charts” if you would like to see
your selected settings on all the charts you have open. Click on
“Restore Factory Defaults” if you would like to restore original
software settings.
7. Help: Information from the manual has been integrated into the
software. When clicking on the “Help” button you will get specific
documentation based on the location of the button. You may also press F1
on your keyboard to access this information.
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