Seasonals Plug-In
Using Seasonal Trends to Improve Your Trading
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The seasonal markets consist of the commodities that began the futures industry. Wheat was the first commodity traded as a futures contact on the futures market. Commodities like Crude, Corn, Gold, Cattle, etc. have been around longer than financial commodities. Because they have been around longer, the seasonal commodities have more historical data. Being able to analyze that historical data gives you an advantage when you are trading a seasonal commodity.

The Seasonal Plug-In consists of three separate indicators:
bullet Seasonal Trends
bullet Historical Averages
bullet Market Probability

Seasonal Trends
The seasonal trend indicator represents the "normal" historical behavior of the market. The indicator is calculated on the specific contract month, showing you behavior of that specific chart. This is very important in agricultural markets with new and old crop contracts; such as Wheat or Corn.

The charts depict behavior on a relative basis, meaning the actual prices are not forecasted, just the relative position of the market versus its contract high and low. On the seasonal charts, the high is depicted as 1.0, or 100%, while the low is depicted as 0.0 or 0%. All similar trading days are lined up for X number of years (the default in Track 'n Trade Pro are 10 years for Trend 1, and 15 years for Trend 2) and are analyzed in terms of where each day falls as a percentage of the highest and lowest price of either the last 12 months or the life of the contract for each specific contract. These prices are then averaged and the average is depicted in the indicator window. When the trend line is at 100% or 1.0, it indicates where the contract has, on average, been at its highest value for a specified time range and scale period.

When the trend line is at 0% or 0.0, it indicates where the contract has, on average, been at its lowest value for the specified time range and scale period. The averages use data from all previous years and are not affected by the current year's trend.

Displaying the Seasonal Trend Indicator:
Once you have your settings the way you would like them in the Program Options window, you can display the Market Probability indicator anytime you wish. Just click on the "SEAS" button located in your indicators menu bar (shown below).

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