Accounting & Simulator

Tracking Profits and Losses



The Accounting & Simulator Plug-In enables you to place orders, deposits, and withdrawals using historical and/or current data. Traders will find this Plug-in very helpful in getting to know the markets and testing different trading strategies. This Plug-in also allows you to play charts forward and backward using play buttons. This is called simulation.



In order to place futures orders or simulate trading using Track ‘n Trade 5.0, you will need to purchase the Accounting and Simulator Plug-In. Call us at 1-800-862-7193 to reach the sales department and order the plug-in today!


Placing a Futures Order

Once you have opened a chart using the Commodity tab in the Control Panel, you are ready to place an order. There are two ways in which an order can be placed in Track ‘n Trade 5.0: the Place Order tool on the Account Toolbar or the Order button in the My Account tab of the Control Panel.


Using the Accounting Toolbar


Click on the Place Order tool on your Accounting Toolbar. Click on your chart and drag the cursor until you find your order point. Release the mouse button to place. The Place an Order window will appear.



Fill out the information in the Place an Order window. Specify the brokerage fee (per side), date order placed, buy or sell, quantity of contracts, symbol of contract, order type, and the price on the order. Help options are available to give instructions on the different types of orders.


When you place an order using the Place Order tool on your Accounting toolbar, the Place an Order window will be pre-filled with default settings. You will not be able to change the date or the symbol.


Click OK to place the order or Cancel to dismiss the order screen.


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Using the Accounting Tab

Open the My Account tab in the Control Panel. Click on the Order button and the Place an Order window will appear.



Fill out the information in the Place an Order window. Specify the brokerage fee (per side), date order placed, buy or sell, quantity of contracts, symbol of contract, order type, and the price on the order. Help options are available to give instructions on the different types of orders.


When you place an order using the Order button in the My Account tab of the Control Panel, the Place an Order window will not be pre-filled and you can change the date and symbol.


Click OK to place the order or Cancel to dismiss the order screen.


Editing an Unfilled Order

To edit an order on your chart, right-click the order on your chart and select Settings to view the Place an Order window.


A Filled Order

When your order is filled, the triangle will fill in red on your chart. In the My Account tab, the icon will fill green and an F will appear after the icon.



Red: Cancelled

Green: Filled

Yellow: Placed

White: Place in the future

Faded: Order exists, but was deleted from the chart

Gray: The chart that this order was placed on was deleted from the Chartbook


D: Deposit

B: Buy

S: Sell

W: Withdrawal


From the My Account window users can place orders and make deposits and withdrawals. This window also has overall totals for the trading account and for the current contract that you have open in the Chart Window.


Accounting Date: Date the current chart is played to.

Open Order P/L: Profit/Loss on trades that are open.

Closed Order P/L: Profit/Loss on completed trades.

Order Commissions: Total commissions paid.

Account Balance: All closed Profit/Loss, Commissions, Withdrawals, and Deposits.

Margins: Requirements in placing and maintaining an order.

Current Position: Market position (not in market, long, or short)


Orders are also noted on the commodity tab. A gray ticket shows an open order on the chart. A turquoise ticket shows a filled order with an overall long position. A blue ticket shows a filled order with an overall short position.


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Modify an Order

Right-click the entry and select "Settings" from the dropdown menu.


Cancel or Delete an Order

Select the order by clicking on it. Hit the Del (Delete) button on your keyboard. This will hide the order, but not delete it. Orders need to be deleted in the My Account tab of the Control Panel. Also, if you delete a chart in the Commodities window, any orders placed on that chart will not be deleted from your book.


Hide/Show an Order on a Chart

Right-click on the order listed in My Account and select "Hide/Show" from the menu. If you would like to hide/show all orders use the "Hide All/Show All" from the menu.


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Select the order by clicking on it. The properties will appear in the preferences section of your control panel.


Restore Settings: TNT Default will change your settings back to the original software settings. My Default will change current settings to your personalized default settings. Apply To All Charts will apply your selected settings on all open charts. Save As My Default will save your current personal settings.


Line: You can choose the color, line style, and line thickness of your order. You may also choose the Filled Color for an order that is filled.


Font: Select the font, size, and color of the text. Select Show Text to hide or show your text on the chart. You may also choose what components of the text you would like to view: Buy, Quantity, Type, Price, GTC.


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Deposits and Withdrawals

Track ‘n Trade 5.0’s Accounting systems allows entering deposits and making withdrawals in your trading account, as well as placing orders.


Placing a Deposit

Click on the Deposit button in the My Account tab of your Control Panel. The Deposit... window will appear. Select the day of the deposit and enter the amount. Click OK to enter deposit or Cancel to dismiss the Deposit window.




Making a Withdrawal

Click on the Withdrawal button in the My Account tab of your Control Panel. The Withdrawal... window will appear. Select the day of the withdrawal and enter the amount. Click OK to enter deposit or Cancel to dismiss the Withdrawal window.




Deleting Deposits/Withdrawals

Right-click on the deposit or withdrawal and select "Delete" from the dropdown menu.


Editing a Deposit/Withdrawal

Right-click on the deposit or withdrawal and select "Settings" from the dropdown menu. From here you can change the date, amount, or order type.


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Trade Log

The Accounting and Simulator Plug-In also includes a trade log that tracks the changes that you make to orders in a chartbook. This trade log will list new orders placed, orders cancelled, as well as any order that you have moved.



To generate the trade log, click on the Trade Log button in the My Account tab of your Control Panel. Select the date range for the trade log from the dropdown menus. This will give you the changes in the orders placed within that date range. You also can filter the trade log by All Charts or by one of the contracts being traded. You can print and/or save this trade log by clicking on the corresponding button in the upper left corner.


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The ability to play charts forward and backward, using the Play Controls, gives you the ability to go back in time and simulate the trading experience using historical data.


Play to End: All Charts: Displays all available data on both saved and new charts that are selected.
Beginning: Moves to the first day in the chart.
Reverse Step 28: Moves back 28 price bars and stops.
Reverse Step 1: Moves back 1 price bar and stops.
Rewind: Plays chart backwards quickly.
Play: Plays chart backwards one tick at a time.
Stop: Stops any play buttons.
Play: Plays chart forward one tick at a time.
Fast Forward: Plays chart forward quickly.
Step 1: Moves forward 1 price bar and stops.
Step 28: Moves forward 28 price bars and stops.
End: Moves to the last day in the chart.


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Technical Support Department
Phone: U.S. / Canada: (800) 862-7193
Outside the U.S./Canada:(435) 752-8026
Hours: M-F 9am to 5pm MST